We sold our lovely large condo in downtown Toronto using Richard as our agent. Our Condo had a VERY large…
- Mitzi Tubby
We’re proud to have helped thousands of buyers and sellers across the Greater Toronto Area exceed their real estate expectations. Read testimonials from our clients below.
We sold our lovely large condo in downtown Toronto using Richard as our agent. Our Condo had a VERY large…
- Mitzi Tubby
Highly professional, with unbeatable market knowledge.
- Dan Misek
Chris was wonderful to work with. He helped us get an amazing price for our new home and also find…
- Kate McMurray
Chris Cansick was a phenomenal agent. He went above and beyond to ensure that I had a positive experience searching…
- Luke Stevens
We’ve been beyond grateful to have worked with David and his team on both the buying and selling side on…
- Krista Valaitis
Chris is an absolute pleasure to work with. He really took the time to understand our needs and was extremely…
- Abigail Conners
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